In the last two posts, I have discussed how to implement functors and applicatives in Groovy. This post discusses the related topic of monads.

Before we start, let’s review the essence of the differences between these three concepts. The primary method for functors, applicatives and monads are map, apply and flatMap respectively.

Table 1. Types used for Functor, Applicative and Monad
Class Primary Method Argument Argument Result




F<A, T<B>>





F<A, B>





T<F<A, B>>


In the table above, I have used invalid syntax to represent the class to indicate that Functor, Applicative and Monad all take a single generic type argument. The type argument itself takes a single type argument. In Groovy, we make do with a lack of higher order types and represent the class without the <_> component, e.g. Functor<T> [3].

We deduce that the differences between the classes in the table are:

  • Functor: apply a function (F<A, B>) to a contextual value using map.

  • Applicative: apply a contextual function (T<F<A, B>>) to a contextual value using apply.

  • Monad: apply a function that returns a contextual value (F<A, T<B>>) to a contextual value using flatMap.

We define a Monad class containing two abstract methods unit and flatMap. Monad inherits from the Applicative class, in practice, the two abstract methods unit and flatMap are sufficient to implement Functor’s map method and Applicative’s pure and apply methods.

abstract class Monad<M> extends Applicative<M> {
    abstract <B> M<B> unit(B b)
    abstract <A, B> M<B> flatMap(M<A> ma, F<A, M<B>> f)
    // other concrete methods omitted for clarity

As we have done previously for functors and applicatives, let’s create concrete monads for java.util.List and (we could have done similarly for java.util.Optional) to build intuition on how these work.

class ListMonad extends Monad<List> {

    def <A> List<A> unit(A a) {

    def <A, B> List<B> flatMap(List<A> list, F<A, List<B>> f) {
        def result = new LinkedList<B>()
        for (A a: list) {
class OptionMonad extends Monad<Option> {

    def <A> Option<A> unit(A a) {

    def <A, B> Option<B> flatMap(Option<A> o, F<A, Option<B>> f) {
        o.isSome() ? f.f(o.some()) : Option.<B>none()

My intent is to show some examples of using these simple monads and some concrete methods we can derive from the monad methods unit and flatMap in the next post[4].


[4] This post was originally meant to be longer, but was published in a draft state, so I will continue the topic in a new blog post.

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